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MIM-6 Var. (prev. “PSSM2”)
Order number: GCH208

  • €199.50 VAT incl.
    List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
    - Clarification of underlying causes in horses symptomatic for Exertional Myopathy
    - Pre-purchase examination: assessment of the risk of developing Exertional Myopathy type MIM due to genetic predisposition.
    - Mating planning.
    The test contains the 6 gene variants P2, P3, P4, P8, Px, K1, which are important genetic predispositions for the development of MIM =...
    MIM-6 Var. (prev. “PSSM2”) ISLANDIC
    Order number: GCH230

  • €147.91 VAT incl.
    List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
    MIM-3 Variant (P3, P8, K1). This panel is available only to Icelandic horses. The panel tests the only three MIM ("PSSM2) variants known to occur in Icelandic Horses.
    Congenital Myotonia
    Order number: GSH109
    €53.90 VAT incl.
    List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
    Congenital Myotonia leads to impaired movement due to muscle rigidity. It is autosomal recessive and is found in New Forest ponies and other ponies with the stallion "Kantje's Ronaldo" in the pedigree.
    Malignant Hyperthermia - HORSE
    Order number: GSH110
    €53.90 VAT incl.
    List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
    Malignant Hyperthermia is an autosomal dominant mutation where fever, muscle rigidity and respiratory distress and even death can be triggered by specific anaesthetics or other stress/exercise. It also worsens the symptoms of horses with PSSM1 and 2.
    MYH1 Myopathy / Immune-mediated Myositis (IMM)
    Order number: GSH124
    €53.90 VAT incl.
    List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
    MYH1 Myopathy is a hereditary disease with incomplete/semi-dominant inheritance, caused by a mutation (chr11:52993878T>C; E321G) in the MYH1 Myosin Heavy Chain 1 gene. This mutation is a major risk factor horse horses to develop Immune mediated myopathy (IMM) and non-exertional rhabdomyolysis. IMM affected animals can exhibit muscle extreme loss (especially in the hind...
    PSSM1*** (Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy 1)
    Order number: PSH128
  • *** Partner laboratory
  • €58.91 VAT incl.
    List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
    - Identification of carriers in breeding selection
    - Differential diagnosis in clinical cases of Exertional Myopathy.
    PSSM1 is a form of Exertional Myopathy in which a disorder of the sugar metabolism of the muscles causes muscle damage.
    The test detects the mutation (c.926G>A) in the GYS1 gene which causes PSSM1. The inheritance is incomplete autosomal...