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A – Locus / Agouti - DOG
Order number: GSD209
€65.45 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
Application: Identification of hidden alleles in breeds that show A-locus dependent variation in coat colors. The four A-Locus alleles are expressed as a hierarchy: a(y) > a(w) > a(t) > a. A- locus predispositions only take effect if there is no „K(B)“-allele at the K-Locus and at least one „E“-allele at the E-Locus. Other loci (B-Locus, D-Locus) may also influence A-Locus...
B – Locus (Coat color 'Brown' - DOG)
Order number: GSD212
€65.45 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
Application: Testing coat color 'brown' identifies animals that carry „b“-alleles. The brown coat color can develop if both genes are 'affected' (b/b) and an „E“-Allel at the E-locus is present. Effective Ay and Aw alleles at the A-locus may hide a b/b situation. 3 loci are analysed.
Centronuclear Myopathy (CNM)
Order number: GSD176
€53.90 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
Application: a) Carrier identification in offspring after mating of a 'CNM-carrier' with a 'CNM-free' animal, b) Differential diagnosis in cases of clinical muscle insufficiency. Centronuclear Myopathy (CNM), also described as HMLR, or Hereditary Myopathy of Labrador Retrievers, has an autosomal recessive expression. Affected animals show insufficient muscle function...
Cerebellar hypoplasia (Dandy Walker Like...
Order number: GSD362
€53.90 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
Application: - Heterozygous carrier identification - Differential diagnosis in cases of locomotion and coordination problems
DWLM is a hypoplasia of the cerebellum that results in ataxia with varying severity from staggering gait to episodic falling. First symptoms appear when the dog starts to walk. It is in an autosomal recessively inherited disease, only dogs with two...
Order number: GSD307
€53.90 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
Test indication: a) Identfication of carriers among offsping of a carrier x free mating. b) Differential diagnosis of clinical PRA cases.
crd-PRA is an early onset type of PRA described for wirehaired dachshunds. The defect occurs in the NPHP4 gene and has an autosomal-recessive mode of inheritance.
Curly Coat
Order number: GSD505
€53.90 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
Application: Identification of carriers for straight coat.
In most dog breeds curly hair is caused by a mutation in the KRT71 gene. A single defect is sufficient representing a dominant autosomal mode of inheritance. This mode allows for carriers with hidden non-curly alleles. Mating of a carrier dam with a carrier sire will result in 25% non-curly offspring. Long hair...
Cystinuria II-B
Order number: GSD166
€53.90 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
- Differential diagnosis in case of clinical symptoms
- Detection of carriers that appear healthy
The CysII-B test identifies the mutation that causes Cystinuria in Miniature Pinschers. The mutation effect is autosomal dominant, but clinical symptoms can be very mild with dogs appearing healthy.
D – Locus (Dilution)
Order number: GSD508
€53.90 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
Application: - Carrier identification. Coat color dilution is autosomal-recessive. Dilution manifests if the mutation is homozygous (d/d). A dog with two variant copies of the MLPH gene will have a blue, charcoal, Isabella (lilac) or fawn coat color depending on the other coat color genes present in the individual. In some breeds dilute coat color can be associated with...
DNA profile Identity DOG (ISAG2020 SNP - Set)
Order number: GDI1203
€117.81 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
This SNP marker-based DNA profile identity has the same objective as the previously used STR-based ID profiles: - Ensuring identity,
- proof of origin - Basis for parentage assessments
At Generatio, the SNP ID profiles are based on a chip analysis; you will receive the result as a PDF as well as for downloading in the online animal record
PLEASE NOTE: 1: This Test is not...
DNA profile Identity DOG - *** class, extended...
Order number: GDI.3
€79.85 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
This DNA-profile identity contains additional markers for increased reliability in parentage testing and especially for determining genetic diversity.
IT IS NOT REQUIRED IN THIS FORM BY ANY BREEDING COMPANY - the basic ISAG marker set is sufficient (article GDI100)
Please note: This DNA profile is not a breed determination.
DNA profile Identity DOG (ISAG2006-STR-Set)
Order number: GDI100
€46.40 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
With this ID-profile a requirement for breeding approval at various breeding clubs in Germany but also abroad is fulfilled (see DNA-programs, e.g. DTK, DNK, DRC, VND or KZG). The set is internationally distributed and consists of the 22 recommended markers.
The result is issued as an ATC certificate identity with electronic signature and can be securely communicated over the...
E – Locus (Coat color 'Yellow')
Order number: GSD206
€53.90 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
Application: - identification of heterozygous carriers
Genetic testing of the MC1R mutation c.916 C>T will determine whether a dog is a carrier of the predisposition for coat color 'yellow' / 'red'. The trait is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, two copies of the e allele (genotype e/e) are required to have the characteristic yellow/red coat color.