Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS)

Order number: GPH123
  • *** Partner laboratory

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WFFS is a connective tissue disorder leading to the spontaneous abortion of the fetus or death/humane euthanasia of the foal. The disease is autosomal recessive and the mutation has been found in many breeds including: Warmbloods and related breeds, Riding ponies,Thoroughbreds, Haflingers, Quarter Horses, Paint Horses, and Appaloosas. *** = the test is carried out in a partner laboratory more
Product information "Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS)"
WFFS is a connective tissue disorder leading to the spontaneous abortion of the fetus or death/humane euthanasia of the foal. The disease is autosomal recessive and the mutation has been found in many breeds including: Warmbloods and related breeds, Riding ponies,Thoroughbreds, Haflingers, Quarter Horses, Paint Horses, and Appaloosas.
*** = the test is carried out in a partner laboratory
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Type: DNA tests
Species: Horse
Class: Inherited diseases
Breed: Achal-Tekkiner, American Indian Horse, American Paint Horse, Amerikanischer Traber, Amerikanisches Miniaturpferd, Amerikanisches Shetlandpony, Amerikanisches Warmblut, Andalusier/Pura Raza Española (PRE), Anglo-Araber, Anglo-Normanne, Angloeuropäisches Sportpferd (AES), Appaloosa, Araber, Araber-Berber, Araberpinto, Arabisches Halbblut, Ardenner, Australisches Stockhorse, Azteke, Barockpinto, Baschkire, Bayerisches Warmblut, Belgian Draft/Brabant, Belgisches Reitpony, Belgisches Warmblut (BWP), Berber, Brabanter/Belgisches Kaltblut, Brandenburger Warmblut, Bretone, Britisches Warmblut, Camargue-Pferd, Cavallo Romano della Maremma Laziale, CH-Sportpferd, Cheval de Merens, Clydesdale, Cob, Cob Normand, Connemara Pony, Criollo, Cruzado , Curly Horse, Dalespony, Dansk Varmblod (DWB), Dartmoor Pony, Deutsches Classic Pony, Deutsches Reitpferd, Deutsches Reitpony, Deutsches Sportpferd (DSP), Drum Horse, Dt. PB Shetlandpony, Dülmener Pferd, Edelbluthaflinger, Englisches Vollblut, Fellpony, Frederiksborger, Freiberger/Franches-Montagnes, Friese, Gelderland, Gypsy Cob/Vanner, Hackney, Haflinger, Hannoveraner, Hessisches Warmblut, Holländisches Reitpony, Holsteiner, Huzule, Irish Cob, Irish Draught, Irish Piebald and Skewbald (LHI), Irish Sport Horse, Islandpferd, Italienisches Sportpferd, Kaltblut, Kaltblut Traber, keine Angabe zur Rasse | Pferd, Kentucky Mountain Horse, Kladruber, Kleines Deutsches Reitpferd, Knabstrupper, Konik, KWPN, Lettisches Warmblut, Lewitzer, Lipizzaner, Litauisches Reitpony, Lusitano (PSL), Mangalarga Marchador, Mecklenburger Warmblut, Mischling - Diverse Rassen | Pferd, Missouri Fox Trotter, Morgan, Murgese, Mustang, National Show Horse, Nederlands Welsh Pony, New Forest Pony, Niederländisches Miniaturpferde, Niederländisches Reitpony, Niederländisches Warmblut, Noriker, Norwegisches Fjordpferd, Norwegisches Warmblut, Oldenburger, ONC, Original Miniature Shetland Pony, Paint Horse, Partbred Arabian, Paso Fino, Paso Peruano, Percheron, Pinto, Polnisches Halbblut, Polnisches Kaltblut, Polnisches Warmblut, Pony of the Americas, Pura Raza Española (PRE), Quarab, Quarter Horse, Quarter Pony, Rheinisch-Deutsches Kaltblut, Rheinländer, Rocky Mountain Horse, Rottaler Warmblut, Russian Warmblood, Sachsen-Anhaltiner, Schlesisches Warmblut, Schwarzwälder Kaltblut, Schwedisches Reitpony, Schwedisches Warmblut (Sv Hst), Schweizer Warmblut, Schweres Warmblut, Selle Francais, Selle Luxembourgeois , Shagya Araber, Shetlandpony, Shire Horse, Sorraia, Sportpferd La Silla, Sport Pony, Suffield Mustang, Sächs.- Thür. Schweres Warmblut, Süddeutsches Kaltblut, Tennessee Walking Horse, Tinker, Traber, Traditioneller Gypsy Cob, Trait Comtois, Trakehner, Tschechisches Warmblut (CZEWB), Ungarisches Kaltblut, Ungarisches Sportpferd, Ungarisches Warmblut, Warmblut, Welsh B, Welsh C, Welsh D (Cob), Welsh Mountain Pony (Section A), Welsh Partbred, Westfale, Württemberger, Zangersheide, Zweibrücker, Österreichisches Warmblut
Group: Bindegewebe, Fertilität
White Spotting W30 - Berber / Arab-Berber
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