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Agouti (A locus) Horse
Order number: GSH200
€53.90 VAT incl.
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The Agouti gene (A) is involved with the production of both red (pheomelanin) and black (eumelanin) pigments. It regulates the relative amounts of each pigment produced in melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) in different regions of the horse’s body. A functional version (AA or Ae) results in a horse that has a base color of bay with black mane, tail, legs and ear tips. Two...
Order number: GSH201
€53.90 VAT incl.
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Horses with one or two copies of the Champagne mutation will have diluted coat color, including mane and tail. Classic Champagne (black base color), Gold Champagne (chestnut base color), Amber Champagne (bay base color) are possible.
Order number: GSH202
€53.90 VAT incl.
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The Cream mutation dilutes the red pigment (phaeomelanin) in the hair. It is incomplete dominant: one copy of the cream dilution (n/Cr) results in Palomino and Buckskin coat colors; Smoky Black (black carrying cream) horses look the same as normal black. With two copies of the Cream variant (Cr/Cr), the dilution effect is complete, giving the Cremello, Perlino, and Smoky...
Extension (Chestnut)
Order number: GSH203
€53.90 VAT incl.
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Horses with two copies of the MC1R variant (ee) are chestnut (red, sorrel) in color. Horses with only one copy of this variant (Ee) are bay or black-based (depending upon their variants at the Agouti locus), but carry chestnut. A horse that does not carry the variant (EE) cannot have a chestnut foal, even if bred to a chestnut horse.
Noriker Roan
Order number: GSH231
€53.90 VAT incl.
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The KIT Noriker roan allele has been found in Noriker, Lipizzan, Quarter Horse, Murgese and some draft breeds. It is not the classical roan mutation found in most roan quarter horses, but it has not yet been tested in a wide variety of breeds.
Pattern 1
Order number: GSH217
€53.90 VAT incl.
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PATN1 is a modifier of the Leopard Spotting Complex. If a horse has Pattern-1 and LP, the foal will show an increased amount of white on its body (often more than 60%). If a horse has Pattern-1 without LP, there is no phenotypic effect on the coat color.
Order number: GSH223
€53.90 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
Pearl is a dilution factor also known as the "Barlink factor". It is a mutation in the same gene as the Cream mutation. Pearl is autosomal recessive. Two copies of pearl (prl/prl) are necessary to see the dilution. A pearl carrier (N/prl) has no dilution alone unless it also has a copy of the Cream variant (n/Cr).
Order number: GSH207
€53.90 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
Testing for Sabino 1 allows breeders to identify:
- homozygous animals (animals with two copies of the variant) which will always produce foals with the Sabino 1 pattern.
- if a given white spotting pattern is based on the Sabino 1 variant.
Order number: GSH206
€53.90 VAT incl.
List price - personal prices are available after logging into ATC user account.
Silver results in the decreased storage of the black pigment “eumelanin” in hair, so that horses with black and bay base colors will show a dilution. Horses with a Chestnut base color may be carriers for the Silver mutation but do not develop the diluted coat color themselves. Horses with only one copy of the variant (n/Z) will show the same phenotype as horses with two...
Splashed White 1 (SW1)
Order number: GSH209
€53.90 VAT incl.
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Splashed White 1 (SW1) is a variant found in many different breeds. It is autosomal semi-dominant, so horses with two copies (SW1/SW1) have a more extreme phenotype than those with only one copy (n/SW1). Horses with one copy usually have a wide blaze, often wider on the lower part of the face. The face-white may be associated with blue eyes, white stockings and small white...
Splashed White 2 (SW2)
Order number: GSH210
€53.90 VAT incl.
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The test determines if the PAX3 mutation (EquCab3: Chr6:11199026C>T) which causes the Splashed White 2 (SW2) phenotype is present. The inheritance is autosomal semi-dominant. SW2 originated in the Quarter Horse "Katie Gun". A horse with one copy of SW2 will usually have a wide white blaze or fully white face. All four legs will have long white socks and there can be small...
White Spotting Variant W16 - Oldenburger
Order number: GSHW16
€53.90 VAT incl.
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The W16 White Spotting mutation originated in the Oldenburger horse "Celine“ (sire "Relevant", dam-sire "Cordeur").